This is a water jar or hydria in Greek. These vessels had three handles; the two on the sides were used when transporting the vase, the third one at the back came in handy when pouring water.
How big is it?
It is more than 40 centimeters tall and weighs about 3.5 kilograms. It is pretty heavy even when it is empty – imagine lifting it full of water!
What does it show?
A scary-looking Gorgon head decorates the vase. The Greeks held that these representations protected their owners.
What is it made of?
Clay. The vase was shaped on a potter’s wheel and decorated in the red-figure technique.
This vase was made in Athens 2500 years ago, around 490 BC.
It was not found in Greece but in Etruria, which lies in central Italy. It was taken there by ancient merchants after its production.
The vase has been in the British Museum in London since 1867 (inventory number: 1867,0508.1048).
If you’d like to know more about this vase, find it on the British Museum website!
Open the Lexicon to learn more about,
→ Gorgons,
→ red-figure vases,
and → Tarquinia.
Create your very own Gorgon-lidded box to keep your possessions safe!
In Greek myth, the scary Gorgons were originally beautiful, but when they insulted the goddess Pallas Athena, she made them so ugly in her fury that whoever looked at them turned to stone in fear.
They usually appear with sharp tusks, a large tongue sticking out, and snakes wriggling in their hair. But in later representations, they could also look beautiful.
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