Coin of Emperor Augustus

© Museo Arqueológico Nacional, Madrid / CC BY-SA 4.0

Herodotus, the Greek historian and traveller, had this to say about hippopotamuses:

They present the following appearance: four-footed, with cloven hooves like cattle; blunt-nosed; with a horse’s mane, visible tusks, a horse’s tail and voice; big as the biggest bull. Their hide is so thick that, when it is dried, spearshafts are made of it.

(Translation: A. D. Godley)

Do you think he got all the details right?


Photo: Fernando Velasco Mora
© Museo Arqueológico Nacional, Madrid / CC BY-SA 4.0
Photo: Fernando Velasco Mora
© Museo Arqueológico Nacional, Madrid / CC BY-SA 4.0