Video archive
Graeco-Aegyptiaca #4/3
‘Religious Boundaries in Late Antique Lived Religion: A View from So-called Magical Sources’
Talk by Joseph E. Sanzo (Università Ca’ Foscari, Venice)
21. 01. 2025.
‘Visual bilingualism in Graeco-Egyptian amulet gems’
Talk by Véronique Dasen (Université de Fribourg) in the Graeco-Aegyptiaca lecture series, 25. 01. 2022.
‘Demotic Egyptian traditions of the war of the gods and giants’
Talk by Joachim F. Quack (Universität Heidelberg) in the Graeco-Aegyptiaca lecture series, 22. 02. 2022.
‘Diocletian’s porphyry workshop. New images for the Tetrarchic rulers made in Egypt and the role of local craftsmanship in their conception’
Talk by Marianne Bergmann (Universität Göttingen) in the Graeco-Aegyptiaca lecture series, 22. 03. 2022.
Graeco-Aegyptiaca #1/4
‘Akhmîm-Panopolis – City of the weavers from Late Antiquity to the Arab Middle Ages’
Talk by Cäcilia Fluck (Staatliche Museen zu Berlin), 26. 04. 2022.
Graeco-Aegyptiaca #1/5
‘Theogonies and Theomachies in Egypt, Greece and Elsewhere. Comparisons, Connections and Speculations’
Talk by Ian Rutherford (University of Reading), 24. 05. 2022.
Graeco-Aegyptiaca #1/6
‘The interactions of Egyptian- and Greek-language astronomy: new sources and open questions’
Talk by Marina Escolano-Poveda (University of Manchester), 28. 06. 2022.
Graeco-Aegyptiaca #2/1
‘Seeing double: Visualizing creation on Graeco-Egyptian stone dishes’
Talk by Kata Endreffy (Palladion – Eötvös Loránd University), 25. 10. 2022.
Graeco-Aegyptiaca #2/2
‘Herodotus as an historian of religions and polytheism: the Egyptian matrix’
Talk by Vinciane Pirenne-Delforge (Collège de France, FNRS), 29. 11. 2022.
Graeco-Aegyptiaca #2/4
‘Composing Magical Formularies in Late Antique Egypt’
Talk by Raquel Martín-Hernández (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), 28. 02. 2023.
Graeco-Aegyptiaca #2/5
‘Egyptian Herakles and Syrian Aphrodite? Disentangling perceptions of Phoenician art and Religion in the Greek tradition’
Talk by Carolina López-Ruiz (University of Chicago), 25. 04. 2023.
Graeco-Aegyptiaca #2/6
‘Imagining a Greek Home for an Egyptian Goddess: Time, Landscape, and Architecture in Greek Sanctuaries to Isis’
Talk by Lindsey Mazurek (Indiana University, Bloomington), 30. 05. 2023.
Listening to Tutankhamun
Online screening of multidisciplinary artist Sara Sallam’s short film I Prayed For The Resin Not To Melt, followed by a discussion with the artist,
26. 05. 2023.
Excerpt of the film:
Graeco-Aegyptiaca #2/7
‘Naukratis: new fieldwork and new results’
Talk by Alexandra Villing (British Museum), 27. 06. 2023.
Graeco-Aegyptiaca #3/1
‘Penultimate thoughts: choliambic verse in Graeco-Roman Egypt and beyond’
Talk by Richard Hunter (University of Cambridge), 28. 11. 2023.
Graeco-Aegyptiaca #3/2
‘Greek soldiers in Saite Egypt: myths and realities’
Talk by Hans van Wees (University College London), 23. 01. 2024.
Graeco-Aegyptiaca #3/4
‘Deliberating in the open: the public areas of the Ptolemaic Egyptian temple as sites of politics and law’
Talk by Ian Moyer (University of Michigan), 26. 03. 2024.
Cosmic Magic #1
Marina Escolano-Poveda (Liverpool) – Kim Ryholt (Copenhagen): ‘Demotic Insights on Hephaistion of Thebes’
03. 06. 2024.
Cosmic Magic #2
Alessandra Rochetti (Oxford): ʽThe Cartography of Magic in the Magical Papyri’
03. 06. 2024.
Cosmic Magic #4
M. Zellmann-Rohrer (Sydney): ʽEgyptian Astrological Manuals in Demotic and Greek’
04. 06. 2024.
Graeco-Aegyptiaca #4/1
‘The Transfer of Circular Designs and Egyptian Images from Magical Gems to Late-Antique Thunderstones’
Talk by Christopher A. Faraone (University of Chicago), 22. 10. 2024.
Graeco-Aegyptiaca #4/2
‘The Egyptian Snake-Gods: Meaning and Use of a Series of Stone Stelai’
Talk by Richard Veymiers (Musée royal de Mariemont)
26. 11. 2024.
Graeco-Aegyptiaca #4/3
‘Religious Boundaries in Late Antique Lived Religion: A View from So-called Magical Sources’
Talk by Joseph E. Sanzo (Università Ca’ Foscari, Venice)
21. 01. 2025.
Featured image: The theatre at Epidaurus. Photo: Sharon Mollerus, source: Flickr / CC BY 2.0.