A 2024/25-ös akadémiai évben is folytatódik a University College London és a Palladion Műhely közös projektje, amely 2022 tavaszán indult el ‘Graeco-Aegyptiaca: Greece in Egypt and Egypt in Greece, from Homer to Rome and Byzantium’ címmel.
A projekt célja, hogy elősegítse az ókori Egyiptom és Hellasz kulturális kapcsolatainak tanulmányozását, és olyan nemzetközi kutatóhálózatot hozzon létre, amely az egyes szaktudományok határvonalain túllépve közös fórumot teremt egyiptológusok, klasszika-filológusok és klasszika archeológusok számára gondolataik megvitatására, a közös műhelymunkára.
A projekt szervezői: Agócs Péter (UCL), Endreffy Kata és Nagy Árpád Miklós (Palladion Műhely)
Kapcsolat: graeco.aegyptiaca@gmail.com
Program, 2024 ősz
Graeco-Aegyptiaca szemináriumsorozat 40 perces, angol nyelvű előadásokkal ZOOM platformon. Az előadásokon a részvétel ingyenes, de regisztrációhoz kötött, amire a program Eventbrite oldalán van lehetőség.
2024. október 22. Christopher A. Faraone (University of Chicago), ’The Transfer of Circular Designs and Egyptian Images from Magical Gems to Late-Antique Thunderstones’
Like many of their neighbors before and after, the Greeks in the Roman and Late-Antique Periods reused Stone-Age axe heads – also known as “celts” or “thunderstones” – as amulets, the larger ones to protect buildings and the smaller to protect individual human bodies, in some cases inscribing them with text and images to enhance their alleged power to ward off lightning strikes or the terrible fires that resulted from them. In the past, scholars, myself included, have focused primarily on the texts that were etched upon them, without paying enough attention to images and their overall designs and without asking where such images and designs may have come from. In what follows, expanding on previous work of mine regarding the transfer of gem designs of the Roman imperial period to Late-Antique amulets on papyri and metal foil, I look at a number of these thunderstones and argue that these elaborate designs were carved by artisans who copied Egyptian, Mithraic and other designs found in handbooks originally used for the production of magical gems or perhaps even from gems in their own possession. Crucial to my argument is how in some cases these artisans engraved the images in an oddly small scale, even though they had two or three times that space on the blade of the thunderstone, especially the over-sized ones used for protecting houses. Other cases include times when they illogically copied the square or circular boundary of the original gem onto an axe-head that was neither square nor circular in shape or when they carved two small images onto the same side of the thunderstone.
2024. november 26. Richard Veymiers (Musée royal de Mariemont), ‘The Egyptian Snake-Gods: Determining the Meaning and Use of a Series of Stone Steles’
Since 2020, the Royal Museum of Mariemont exhibits an Egyptian marble stela dated from the Imperial period that presents a scene in bas-relief depicting Harpokrates between a couple of snake-gods. This artifact, purchased in 1879 by the City of Anvers in a Masonic atmosphere, belongs to a series of Egyptian stelai of similar size and format depicting a couple of snakes often identified as “Isis-Thermuthis” and “Serapis-Agathos Daimon”. However, are such modern labels really relevant? Do they properly reflect the antique realities? This lecture will explore the materiality, anthropology and biography of these artifacts that could have been perceived and used in various ways depending on the contexts and circumstances.
2025. január 21. Joseph E. Sanzo (Università Ca’ Foscari, Velence)
This presentation is based on my recently published monograph, Ritual Boundaries: Magic and Differentiation in Late Antique Christianity (University of California Press, 2024). In contrast to the prevailing scholarly assumption that discrete religious boundaries were a concern primarily or exclusively of the „religious elite” during late antiquity, the so-called „magical” sources (e.g., amulets and ritual handbooks) demonstrate that the interest to draw clear-cut boundaries between religious insiders and outsiders—even in inflammatory ways—cut across diverse social strata. In addition, the particular ways that the practitioners behind these amulets and handbooks organized their religious boundaries give us insight into the multiple configurations of religious differentiation in late antiquity more generally.
2025. február 25.17:00 (CET; 16:00 GMT) Hans R. Goette (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Berlin): ‘Portraits of Priests of Sarapis and Isis in Roman Imperial Egypt’
The paper will discuss archaeological monuments with depictions of priests of Isis as well as of Sarapis. It centers on their iconography in Roman Imperial art and tries to give an overview of the ancient portraits of such priests known in the archaeological record.
2025 tavasz következő előadásai
2025. március: Henry Bishop-Wright (Cardiff University)
2025. április: Jacqueline Stock (Universität Leipzig), ‘Insights into scribal practices at Egyptian temple libraries from the hieratic-demotic copies of the Book of the Fayum’
2025. május: Jessica Lightfoot (University of Birmingham), ‘Pindar, Herodotus and the Ram-God of Mendes’
2025. június: Korshi Dosoo (Universität Würzburg)
Korábbi előadások
A Graeco-Aegyptiaca szemináriumsorozat korábbi előadásai a Palladion Műhely videótárában nézhetők vissza.
2022. január 25. Véronique Dasen (Université de Fribourg), ‘Visual bilingualism in Graeco-Egyptian amulet gems’
2022. február 22. Joachim F. Quack (Universität Heidelberg), ‘Demotic Egyptian traditions of the war of the gods and giants’
2022. március 22. Marianne Bergmann (Universität Göttingen), ‘Diocletian’s porphyry workshop. New images for the Tetrarchic rulers made in Egypt and the role of local craftsmanship in their conception’
2022. április 26. Cäcilia Fluck (Staatliche Museen zu Berlin), ‘Akhmîm-Panopolis – City of the weavers from Late Antiquity to the Arab Middle Ages’
2022. május 24. Ian Rutherford (University of Reading), ‘Theogonies and Theomachies in Egypt, Greece and Elsewhere. Comparisons, Connections and Speculations’
2022. június 28. Marina Escolano-Poveda (University of Manchester), ‘The interactions of Egyptian- and Greek-language astronomy: new sources and open questions’
2022. október 25. Endreffy Kata (Palladion Műhely – ELTE), ‘Seeing double: visualizing creation on Graeco-Egyptian stone dishes’
Correspondence, translation or convergence? The talk focuses on relief-decorated stone dishes, a unique and relatively little-known set of objects from Hellenistic and Roman Egypt, and looks at how the concept of creation is expressed in their diverse iconographical repertoire through a coherent fusion of ancient Egyptian, Greek and Roman images of renewal and triumph.
2022. november 29. Vinciane Pirenne-Delforge (Collège de France, FNRS), ‘Herodotus as an historian of religions and polytheism: the Egyptian matrix’
My lecture aims at addressing some well-known passages of Herodotus’s Book 2 about the origin of the gods and the place of the divine in his inquiry. The fact that these passages, crucial for the modern historian of religions, are embedded in the developments on Egypt is related to the Greek vision of the depth of Egyptian time, but the overall framework remains purely Greek and refers to what we call „Greek religion”.
2023. január 31. Tamar Hodos (University of Bristol), ‘Eggstraordinary Objects: Ostrich Eggs as Luxury Items in the Ancient Mediterranean’
Decorated ostrich eggs were traded as luxury items from the Middle East to the western Mediterranean during the second and first millennia BCE. The eggs were engraved, painted, and occasionally embellished with ivory, precious metals and faience fittings. While archaeologists note their presence as unusual vessels in funerary and dedicatory contexts, little is known about how or from where they were sourced, decorated and traded. Researchers at Bristol University, Durham University, and the British Museum have established techniques to identify where the eggs originated and how they were decorated, while researchers from Bristol, Cranfield, Ghent, Leuven, and Newcastle Universities have assessed comparative methods to identify pigments. This talk shares the results of our studies, revealing the complexity of the production, trade, and economic and social values of luxury organic items between competing cultures of the ancient Mediterranean world.
2023. február 28. Raquel Martín-Hernández (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Composing Magical Formularies in Late Antique Egypt
The so-called Greek Magical Papyri form one of the most interesting and strange groups of ancient texts surviving on papyrus from the Roman period. They were published as individual texts almost since their discovery, but re-edited as a corpus thanks to the joint efforts of a group of scholars under the leadership of K. Preisendanz (1924–1928). The edition of these texts has been fundamental for the study of magical and vernacular religious practices in Greco-Roman Egypt. In recent years, the project „Transmission of Magical Knowledge in Antiquity”, based in Chicago, has been working on a new critical edition of the Greco-Egyptian magical formularies in which the study of the text is combined with information offered by the material study of the books themselves. Until recently, scholarship has tended to view the magical papyri as a monolithic block; thanks to the Chicago project, we are learning to see just how varied and diverse these papyri are. Written mostly in Greek, these texts constitute one of the most interesting, and still largely untapped, resources for the study of Greco-Egyptian cultural interaction in the Roman Empire.
My lecture belongs in this trend of research. I aim to provide an overview of the preserved Greco-Egyptian magical formularies, discussing their particularities and similarities. Certain magical books in particular will be studied in order to present ideas on how magical knowledge was transmitted in Roman Egypt, and for whom the production of such magnificent books may have been destined.
2023. április 25. Carolina López-Ruiz (University of Chicago), ‘Egyptian Herakles and Syrian Aphrodite? Disentangling perceptions of Phoenician art and religion in the Greek tradition’
In this talk I will offer some thoughts on the entanglement of Phoenician and Egyptian cultures, and focus on the impact this phenomenon had in the perception of Phoenician art and religion in ancient Greek traditions and modern scholarship.
2023. május 30. Lindsey Mazurek (Indiana University, Bloomington), ‘Imagining a Greek Home for an Egyptian Goddess: Time, Landscape, and Architecture in Greek Sanctuaries to Isis’
When Isis first arrived on Greek shores in the 3rd century BCE, her new followers had to build sanctuaries appropriate to an Egyptian goddess. In the process of imagining a place for their Greek Isis to dwell, devotees came up with a wide range of eclectic solutions that intertwined local needs, imperialist fantasy, and fantastical chronology. These sanctuaries do not draw from contemporaneous Egyptian art and architecture, but rather from Greek stereotypes about Egypt and the Nile River. Isis’ Greek temples, I argue, allowed Greek devotees to imagine Egypt in a way that responded to their own experiences as provincial subjects of the Roman Empire.
I begin with a brief overview of Isis’ and Sarapis cults’ arrival in Greece in the early Hellenistic period. Then, I turn to literary evidence, in which Greco-Roman authors from Herodotus to Pliny the Younger characterize Egypt as a timeless and strange place and highlight its unique flora and fauna. I next trace the popularity of these ideas in wall paintings and mosaics, where depictions of the Nile convey ideas of otherness and imperial control. I conclude by discussing the sanctuaries of the Egyptian gods at Marathon and Gortyna. The sanctuary at Marathon combines imaginative architecture that resembles Pharaonic Egyptian temples, archaizing sculpture that evoked a timeless Greco-Egyptian past, and a riverine setting that recalled the Nile Delta. At Gortyna, the sanctuary includes both an underground water crypt that echoed the Nilometers used to measure the river’s annual flood and cattle statuettes that personified the river’s waters. Taken together, this evidence suggests that Greek devotees used sanctuary spaces to explore Greek conceptions of Egypt as an imagined, far-off, and ancient place that they could control in much the same way that Rome controlled and imagined Greece.
2023. június 27. Alexandra Villing (British Museum), ‘Naukratis: new fieldwork and new results’
Alexandra Villing will discuss her recent fieldwork and monograph on the site of Naukratis, which she carried out together with Ross Thomas, and which has the potential to transform our understanding of this important archaic Greek site in Egypt.
2023. november 28. Richard Hunter (University of Cambridge), ‘Penultimate thoughts: choliambic verse in Graeco-Roman Egypt and beyond’
This paper considers the relatively few examples of choliambic verse, other than the fables of Babrius, which survive from the imperial period; it considers both the resonance of choliambs at this date and the possible reasons for their rarity. The texts examined include two major inscriptions from Egypt and the choliambic poems found in the oldest version of the (Egyptianising) ‘Alexander Romance’.
2024. január 23. Hans van Wees (Universtiy College London), ‘Greek soldiers in Saite Egypt: myths and realities’
Herodotus’ story of how Psammetichus I and the Saite dynasty came to power with the help of Greek hoplite mercenaries has generally been taken quite seriously by historians of ancient Greece and even by some historians of Late Period Egypt. Assyrian and Egyptian evidence shows, however, that this tale was little more than a myth, typical of the way in which ancient Greeks tended to represent themselves as vastly superior in warfare to non-Greeks. This paper puts together textual and material evidence from Egypt, Assyria and the Greek world to assess in more realistic terms what role Greek soldiers played in Saite history and what role overseas military service played in the economies and societies of archaic Greek city-states.
2024. február 27. Svenja Nagel (Universität Würzburg), ‘Erotic Spells in the Demotic and Greek Magical Papyri: Ritual Techniques and Cultural Traditions’
A vast corpus of Demotic and Greek magical handbooks with collections of recipes as well as activated texts and objects produced in the course of magical rituals is preserved from Graeco-Roman Egypt. Spells concerned with the field of sexuality and love form a major part of the categories represented in these sources. According to our definition, ‘erotic magic’ comprises all those ritual practices that are intended to manipulate an individual’s own sexual life and/or that of others, gain control over it and optimise it, including its associated bodily and social functions. Accordingly, the main purposes of these rituals are: to gain or improve one’s own attractiveness, sexual performance and pleasure; to control the sexual life of other persons, e.g. by preventing them from having sexual relationships with others; and especially, to induce someone to crave sexual intercourse or a lasting sexual relationship with the user of the spell him- or herself.
This paper is based on interdisciplinary research conducted within the collaborative DFG project „Sexual dynamis and Dynamics of Magical Practice in Graeco-Roman Egypt: Erotic Spells in the Greek and Demotic Magical Papyri (PGM and PDM) and their Cultural Traditions”, and will present some results of this project. After providing an overview of the different categories of erotic spells with their characteristics and development, the second part will be dedicated to a more detailed discussion of selected examples of spells, and shed light on their ritual framework and rationale as well as underlying Egyptian and Greek traditions and their reciprocal interference.
2024. március 26. Ian Moyer (University of Michigan), ‘Deliberating in the open: the public areas of the Ptolemaic Egyptian temple as sites of politics and law’
This paper explores the evidence for councils and courts of Egyptian priests deliberating in the open areas of the temple – a political and juridical function that is comparable to the uses of public places such as the agora or forum in other societies.
2024. április 30. Caitlín Barrett (Cornell University), Household Archaeology and the Domestication of Empire: Egyptian Landscapes at Pompeii
“Nilotic scenes” – Roman depictions of imagined Egyptian landscapes – are important sources for the iconography and material constitution of Roman imperialism. Because these images are most commonly found in household contexts, they provide an opportunity to explore the embeddedness of imperial ideology within everyday life. This paper uses a case study from the archaeology of household gardens to explore the human impact of this “domestication of empire.” In the garden of the large private dwelling known as the “House of the Ephebe” at Pompeii, a series of imagined “Egyptian” landscapes decorated an outdoor dining installation. These Egyptian riverscapes shared space – and interacted with – a complex assemblage of architecture, wall paintings, statuary, and vegetation. All of these elements worked together to shape the experiences available to the people who used this garden. Simultaneously faraway and familiar, the garden’s imagined landscapes transformed domestic space into a microcosm of empire and encouraged their occupants to engage in open-ended ways with changing constructions of imperial, local, and cultural identities.
Previous work on this assemblage, including my own, has focused on the ways that adult diners would have interacted with these images. This paper also considers some ways that this garden assemblage could have shaped the experiences of a different group of viewers: namely, ancient children, for whom these images of empire would have participated in their early socialization.
2024. május 28. Eva Mol (University of York), Does this look Egyptian to you? Style and perception in Roman Pompeii
Many things that look Egyptian to our contemporary eyes were found in Roman Pompeii. Either defined by style (such as Egyptian-looking sphinxes) by subject, (such as Nilotic scenes), or by material (types of faience or stone imported from Egypt). What different roles did the wide variety of Egyptian-related objects play in the houses of Pompeii and can we get any access to how these were perceived? For a long time, all such objects were either interpreted as exotic or belonging to the cult of Isis, however, we nowadays realise their actual life-paths are much more complex. Due to its preservation, Pompeii is one of the best case studies to look at this complexity in object use. If we take the use context seriously, we can learn much about Roman style perception and about the dynamic ways in which ‘foreign’ objects were integrated in Roman communities.
Borítókép: A Memnón-kolosszusok Thébában. Fotó: MusikAnimal / Wikipedia (CC-BY-SA-4.0).